Encouraging ingenuity in the mobile classroom

I had the opportunity last week to attend the 2014 Windsor Essex Tech Show after receiving a ticket from my Principal. The keynote speakers for this event included Google’s Fab Dolan, Detroit Venture Partners’ Jacob Cohen, Microsoft’s Sharon Bennett, and Cisco’s Tony Abi-Jaoude.


After arriving during the second half of the conference, I was disappointed to have missed Sharon Bennett’s keynote address that focused on leveraging new technologies from the cloud. Maybe next time đŸ˜¦ I made sure to get an early seat and listen to the next keynote presentation by Fab Dolan of Google.

Fab was an excellent speaker who provided an interesting perspective on future technology trends and the web. His presentation shifted to education when he suggested that teachers enable and encourage students to utilize technology for reasons of ingenuity over traditional productivity.

Wow! A light bulb went off in my head! I wonder how students would define the word ingenuity? So……..after completing a brainstorming activity, my grade 10 business students came up with the following mind map. Ingenuity Mind MapI was so intrigued with educating students to use technology for a higher purpose other than general productivity. That being said, I decided to make applying ingenuity using technology as a major theme of my blog. Let the journey begin!

About Andre Quaglia

TELT; Business Dept. Head. Certified Design Thinking Educator, Microsoft Certified Educator. Advocate of Innovation, Creativity, & Entrepreneurial Thinking.
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